Equity Trading

KFH Brokerage offer high standards of trading services in Kuwait Stock Exchange, the service is supported by a dedicated team of brokers to provide information to the clients, as well as the quality of KFH customer service

Commodity Trading

KFH Brokerage offers commodity trading service in both local & international markets; this service is designed to complete Murabaha & Tawarruq transactions through online trading platform which helps our clients to complete their transaction easily & securely.

  • The main purpose of this service is offering access to commodity markets in Tawarruq transactions.
  • Offering high standard services.
  • Offering innovative sharia compliant service.


Announcement of opening the door for candidacy for membership of the Board of Directors (2020-2022)

For more trading information:

(+965) 22987333 trading@KFHBrokargeLive.com